Visiting Auschwitz as a tourist, I try to imagine what it was like in 1943. Unthinkable in 1943 that it would ever be a tourist destination.
Parking Lot, Auschwitz
Crematorium, Auschwitz
Visiting Auschwitz as a tourist, I try to imagine what it was like in 1943. Unthinkable in 1943 that it would ever be a tourist destination.
Parking Lot, Auschwitz
Crematorium, Auschwitz
Elephant & Castle
Elephant & Castle
Street photography is always found art, isn't it? Each day on earth is filled with how many thousands of masterpieces of photography if only yet intelligent eye and camera are in the right place at the right moment? Doesn't even have to be the right eye. Photography is the only medium (unlike say painting) where the complete novice can accidentally grab a masterpiece. Sometimes luck is the best strategy of all.
Rimini, Italy
En Route to Los Angeles
Santa Monica
Los Angeles
Tottenham Court Road
Santa Monica
Two couples. Which has the better, more stable relationship? Or...neighbors, happily co-existing, at least at the start of the party (this is the corner of a hotel events room -- I know the context because I was there -- does a sense of context leak into the frame?). It caught my eye, of course. Symbolism unforced, not really even thought about until I wrote this paragraph. I swear on a stack of Gideon Bibles (which they don't have in England) that I'm intuitive.
Cambridge, England